tim and Blyth's trial by fire
Thursday Sept. 11th
We finally set off from Lymington at 2:30am under a clear moonlit sky and a steady but light Northerly breeze. All five adults on deck till well past the needles, then Portia and I on watch for the first 2 hours; by which time the wind got up! We had the mainsail up (not fully as one of the reefing lines was not attached properly, unbeknown to us). By dawn white crests flecked the ocean and I felt better on deck then down below- rather queasy. Diane, Blyth and I were on watch by then and Blyth began to suffer like me. The wind seemed to get steadily stronger and when Steve and Ron came on watch they could sight land (not me!) By this time Blyth and I were sitting inside the cockpit sharing a big bucket. About 10 nautical miles from Alderny Ron decided to to drop the mainsail and motor in. This was the worst. To drop the mainsail meant turning 180 degrees into the wind, and the seas. Big waves smashed into us side on-Diane battling at the helm, Ron manning the sail and supervising, Steve responding manfully and well- providing the muscle.. Unfortunately Blyth and I, trying but soon knocked low, ended up lying in the ropes in the well of the cockpit, cold, wet and dry heaving. Lying immobile like this, a small hand from Blyth reaches across and gives my hand a comforting squeeze. This small gesture means the world to me and I am suddenly more awash with pride for my brave wonderful son- less bothered by the crashing waves around us.
It takes three to four more hours battling through the waterfalls before we make it safely into harbor. A tough experience- christening by fire for Blyth, Steve and I. Leah, marvelous and safe below;sleeping soundly in her bunk. Great! The crew all pulled together, were wonderfully supportive, with Ron and Portia making us a strong team.
Phew! A change of clothes, a shower, a sleep, not daring to eat. By evening Blyth and I still unable to eat, trying to help with a few small jobs, were soon able to sleep. We tossed in the harbor all that night.